Wednesday, February 27, 2008

doll from Adele's class

Adele Sciortino taught her costuming class here last month. We had to have the mannequin ready in advance and worked on the costumes in class. There were no patterns so each one turned out different from the rest. In addition she asked us to use fabrics and trims from a pile brought in and using colors that we would 'never' use otherwise. I'm happy with the results so far. Now to do all the fun embellishing and finish the hand work. Here is her costume so far.

pin from Adele's class

Here is a project from Adele Sciortino's class here in Vegas last month. I'm loving beading now, especially on dolls, garments and handbags

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Hey you can see the rabbit back anyway

It worked!!! I was able to upload photos again!! Here is the back of the rabbit that I finally finished from a Marge Gorman class. All of our "rabbits" turned out looking like rats so I refused to finish it. Finally I realized that she had us do the head backwards. Turn the head piece around and sculpt it and voila-- a rabbit.

Let's try again

Okay here we go again.

Sunday, February 17, 2008


I haven't posted to my blog in a few weeks. My mom and her hip surgery took top priority and then my new camera prints don't seem to want to load onto my blog. DARN!!! And I'm so very dumb about these things. So I have to figure out what's wrong. Sorry.